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“Commerce”: 100% increase in the issuance of licenses for commercial exhibitions in Kuwait

Data from the Ministry of Trade and Industry revealed a growth in the number of exhibitions to which the Ministry granted licenses during the first seven months of 2023 by 100 percent, an increase of about 83 exhibitions over last year, rising from 81 exhibitions in 7 months of 2022 to 164 exhibitions in the same period of this year.
The licensing of exhibitions in Kuwait declined on a monthly basis by 52.6 percent, falling from 19 exhibitions in June to 9 exhibitions in July, but it witnessed a growth of 350 percent on an annual basis, compared to the Ministry licensing only two exhibitions in July 2022. The licensing of exhibitions
witnessed Growth from the beginning of 2022, as it rose from 16 showrooms in December 2022 to 17 showrooms in January, a growth of 6 percent, rising again in February to 32 showrooms, then to 41 showrooms in March, but it decreased in April to 22 showrooms, then to 20 exhibitions in May, 19 exhibitions in June, and 9 exhibitions in July.
For their part, experts and specialists in holding exhibitions believe that despite the increase in the number of exhibitions held in Kuwait in various fields (real estate – services – financial – consumer goods, etc.), there are many challenges facing this industry to benefit from and transform Kuwait to be a destination for exhibition and conference tourism.

Hotel Capacity
They explained that Kuwait needs an integrated system starting from the highest levels in the country to the lowest employee working in this system, noting that preparations for international exhibitions, such as what is happening in the UAE, require a great and continuous effort extending for a period ranging between 10 and 20 years until it is seen. In a way that befits Kuwait’s reputation in regional and international forums. They added that thinking about holding any international tourism event requires making a strong decision to make Kuwait a permanent tourist destination. Because global events require huge infrastructure and facilities to be built and a complete strategy that includes increasing the capacity of the airport, roads, transportation, and hotel capacity to receive visitors to these important events.
They pointed out that Kuwait needs active work teams around the clock to prepare giant infrastructure suitable for such events, starting with Kuwait Airport, which needs teams of qualified young people to properly receive guests and obtain entry visas electronically by taking advantage of the current digital infrastructures provided by them. The state is working in all sectors and booking and preparing the necessary hotels to accommodate them and provide them with comfortable accommodation throughout the duration of this global event, which extends for 6 months.

Obstacles and obstacles
They called for removing the obstacles and obstacles facing these tourists, starting with the entry features, which must be electronic, then preparing and increasing hotel capacity by launching many modern five-star hotels to accommodate Kuwaiti guests.
They stressed the necessity of granting administrative and procedural facilities for holding exhibitions, including all relevant ministries in the country, such as the Ministry of Interior and Trade and other responsible authorities, in order to quickly obtain the necessary licenses, away from bureaucracy, to facilitate the task of companies and institutions participating in this huge event.
They stressed that Kuwait does not lack anything to launch such huge economic events, like the rest of the neighboring Gulf countries, which have launched many successful international festivals. They also gave another example of the Arab Republic of Egypt, which possesses many of the tourism and economic components and infrastructure necessary to launch such global conferences.

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